taxi service

Contact Us

Our usual office hours are from Monday-Saturday, 08:30-16:30 (EAT/GMT+3). In case of urgent matters we kindly ask you to contact us directly.

Hotline 24/7

We are available 24 / a week when you need our Taxi service any time. please feel free to WhatApp us at +255 716 067 674

Email Support

Feel free to email us through our email address for any specific or general enquiries at

Office Locations

We are located at Kisauni Airport, For any Taxi Service enquiries if you are nearby the Zanzibar Airport or anywhere in Zanzibar


Send Us A Message

Contact us whenever you are in need of Taxi or Tour services in Zanzibar, just feel free to fill out our web contact form to get in touch with us, we usually reply less then 30 minutes